Tuesday 23 April 2013

How else can this information be used?

The biomechanical principles that where used to determine, how to achieve optimum force and ball speed for an accurate in-step soccer kick’, can be used throughout a variety of sports. Many studies have been done within the game of soccer, as it is a controversial sport that is played in over 200 countries, making it the world’s most popular sport. In general, sports teams all over the world try and develop their skills and abilities to become the best they can. Biomechanics is used to assist with this as coaches are able to analyse athlete movement to improve technique and reduce the risk of injury. Some of the biomechanical principles talked about in this blog would be used in a variety of other sports including; football, baseball, tennis, and cricket.

In an educational context, physical education teachers use biomechanics, as it is the primary sport science method focusing on movement technique. It is logical for teachers to use it as it assists them in helping their students move safely and effectively. As a physical education teacher planning a soccer unit, biomechanical principles would be used throughout each lesson in evaluating critical features of the skills the students are performing and diagnosing student’s performance.

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